As BAYDEMİR MAKINA; We produce Stainless steel, Galvanized and GRP Modular Water Tank panels, Expansion tanks, Pump and Hydrophore systems in our factory in Malatya 1st Organized Industrial Zone under the brand AQUASAN.
We manufacture Fire Pump groups in accordance with NFPA 20 and TS EN 12845 Turkish Fire Regulations.
The TS EN 12845 standard is exactly the same as the EN 12845 standard and is the "Turkish Fire Standard" created by the Turkish Standards Institute with the permission of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
NFPA 20 [National Fire Protection Association] Standard is a well-known standard used in fire extinguishing systems that defines "fire pump groups and installations" for fire protection. The pumps used comply with NFPA 20 Standard.
Our products comply with TS EN 733 standards. Suction and discharge flanges comply with TS EN 1092 - 2 / PN 16. Flanges on pumps with steel or stainless steel body materials comply with TS EN 1092 - 1 / PN 16. All impellers are dynamically or statically balanced in accordance with ISO 1940 class 6.3.